Multireaktor 4.000

(Item No.:81519)

Product variants

Product details

The multi reactor is very versatile. It can be installed in a standing position in the filter sump or as a hang-on system directly connected to the aquarium. It can be connected to almost every common type of aquarium filter in bypass mode or can be operated with a separate feed pump. The multi reactor is suitable for both marine and fresh water aquaria.

Possible applications

The multi reactor has two different perforated plates that should be used as follows according to the intended purpose. For use with Biopellets (e.g. DuplaMarin Biopellets NP), the perforated plate with 3-mm-hole diameter is recommended as a base plate for better turbulence of the material. When using finer adsorbents (e.g. DuplaMarin Siliphos as phosphate and silicate adsorbents) or filtering charcoal, the perforated plate with 2-mm-hole diameter should be used as a base plate.

  • incl. hang-on-system
  • can be fixed directly to the aquarium
  • simple installation
  • can be used as pellet reactor, a fluidized bed reactor or as a simple filter for a wide variety of filter materials
  • many different applications due to different-sized perforated plates
  • incl. silicone tube
  • instructions for use

Technical data:
Holding capacity: 4,000 ml
Maximum flow rate: 2,000 l/h
Size inlet / outlet: 19 mm / 19 mm
Dimensions: W x H 15,5 / 16,8 x 45,6 cm
Pipe diameter: 12 cm

Spare parts: Description
81509/5 Screws for lid
81509/6 Screw for Bubble Plate
81509/7 Screw for hang-on system, MR 750 / MR 1.500
81519/9 Screw for hang-on system, MR 4.000
81509/16 O ring MR 750
81513/16 O ring MR 1.500
81519/16 O ring MR 4.000
81509/17 Silicone tube MR 750
81513/17 Silicone tube MR 1.500
81519/17 Silicone tube MR 4.000
81509/12 Bubble Plate MR 750 (2 mm hole)
81509/13 Bubble Plate MR 750 (3 mm hole)
81513/12 Bubble Plate MR 1.500 (2 mm hole)
81513/13 Bubble Plate MR 1.500 (3 mm hole)
81519/12 Bubble Plate MR 4.000 (2 mm hole)
81513/13 Bubble Plate MR 4.000 (3 mm hole)
81509/14 Hang-On System MR 750
81513/14 Hang-On System MR 1.500
81519/14 Hang-On System MR 4.000
81509/15 Center Tube 16 mm, MR 750
81513/15 Center Tube 16 mm, MR 1.500
81519/15 Center Tube 20 mm, MR 4.000
81522 Fine filter MR 750
81523 Fine filter MR 1.500
81524 Fine filter MR 4.000

Spare parts


We recommend

Magnesium liquid

Liquid Magnesium Provider

Power Calcium

Calcium Forming Agent

Ocean Eco Pump

versatile use

Carbon premium

Activated Coal Pellets

KH+ liquid

Liquid KH-Generator

Siliphos freshwater

Phosphate and silicate remover